Healthy Eating Plan – How to Eat Clean?

Clean eating may vary for different people, yet several basic principles apply to everyone. A clean, healthy eating plan consists of eating mostly fresh foods that are plant-based along with enough amount of quality protein as well as healthy fats. Others might associate clean eating with being vegan or vegetarian, yet it isn’t true. It isn’t about getting rid of animal foods and eating plant foods, but also it is about making balance and selecting the finest quality you can. Below are the steps on how you can improve your nutrient intake and reduce exposure from toxins:

Concentrate on High Quality Animal Products

Once you eat lots of animal proteins such as dairy, fish, eggs, poultry, and meat, you want to ensure to concentrate on buying quality products since tons of studies have link commercial dairy and factory farmed meats with heart disease, cancer, and inflammation.

The grain fed to the animals that require eating grass or some foods naturally, changes the fatty acid ratios that increases inflammatory responses once you eat them. There is also concern over accumulation of herbicides, pesticides, hormones in meats or some animal foods, and antibiotics. Pasteurization of the dairy products also poses risks since it changes dairy’s chemical structure and makes it hard to digest. If you could find it, try some raw dairy products like kefir or yogurt that are immune system boosters and probiotic foods.

Switch Up Fats

Work on getting rid of inflammatory bad fats and consider replacing them with good fats. It means eliminating trans fats and hydrogenated oils, which is easy to do once you cook with real fats in your home and avoid some fried foods or packaged products. Aside from combining trans fats, switch from the refined vegetable oils that are linked to stroke, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and so on and rather, use fats including coconut oil, grass fed butter or real olive oil when cooking.

Get Rid of Added Sugar and Choose Whole Grains

Refined grain products and refined sugars make up a growing percentage of the calories of people today. It’s a huge problem  considering refined sugars or high glycemic sugars can cause elevated levels of glucose and may contribute to insulin resistance, which leads to premature aging, weight gain, and degenerative diseases.

One of the main benefits of eating clean is that inflammatory processed foods are reduced greatly while every sort of real and raw foods are encouraged. However, in many places today, around eighty percent of the foods that people eat are genetically modified or highly processed so any diet plan by doctor recommends you to eat more real and natural foods.