How To Survive A Home Addition Project
Many homeowners dream of expanding their house instead of buying a new one, and that is because building home addition can actually cost a lot less than buying a whole new house. Now when it comes to the actual addition, it can be a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom or any other type of room that your family needs.
While no one can stop you from dreaming of a fast paced home addition project, the reality is usually far beyond your expectations. There are lots of complex details involved in doing a home addition project. Here is how you can actually survive a home addition project.
Maintain Your Privacy
When you start letting work crews in your house to start the project, you must keep a certain level of privacy in the house. Letting down your guard from the very start will only embarrass you in the long run.
You should keep the private areas of your house private for the whole length of the project. Your home office, bedroom, bathroom, children’s rooms, and other private areas should not be accessible for the workers. Work crews should only be given access to the areas where they will be working. You can even tape up signs on private areas to prevent workers from accidentally stepping into those areas.
Learn The Reality Of These Projects
When you are actually getting an addition built into your house, you should not think that all the work will be done outside your house leaving the indoors intact and clean. You should keep in mind that there is a breakthrough time in which an opening is made in your house in order to attach the addition to your house. So, while you can keep the indoors for a better part of the project, the breakthrough point will eventually create a mess really quickly.
Also, keep in mind that the breakthrough point doesn’t open and close within a single day. The area is opened a week before even starting the addition process. That is why you should stop thinking of addition as a single box glued on the side of your house, and start preparing for the real thing.
People Will Need Access To Your House
Before the breakthrough and addition thing even starts, workers will need access into your house. For example, you will need to meet with the project manager inside your house, where he will assess the conditions inside and will provide you with an estimated cost of the home addition. Similarly, electricians, plumbers and other professionals will need to access the inside of your house to complete the project.
So, be prepared for what’s to come, and expect the foot traffic inside your house to increase considerably throughout the length of your project.
Allot Specific Hours For Work
The contract you sign about your home addition project will include lots of things about late work hours, weekend work, noise, and other things as well. However, if you feel the need to make the project fast, you can always review the contract by sitting with your ck tractor and adding or waiving some points.
If you are looking for more things than you previously planned, you might have to sit and talk with your home additon contractor or subcontractors. They have to work whenever they get the time. As a homeowner, if you offer your contractors to work on Sundays, they will usually say yes to the offer.
However, you must consider the emotional cost of these extended work hours on your project. You won’t be able to take some free time to rest even on weekends. Also think about your neighbors, as they might complain about the work being done in your house on weekends.
Give Yourself Better Treatment
Since an addition project can be a stressful task, you should take some time and find fun outside your house. Spending too much time in your house when the project is being done can be devastating for you and your family’s mental health.
You can go on a long vacation with your family when the project is underway. You can take your kids to day long trips for some fun activities. But you can do it if you have hired reliable architects builders DC who wouldn’t cut corners in your absence.