Pros and cons of back surgery
Back surgery is not the final word or fool proof option for escaping from back pain. But if the conservative treatments are not yielding any positive results, orthopedic and spine specialist may suggest the patient to undergo spinal surgery. Though the success of this surgery is not guaranteed, it will definitely provide relief from pain and other inconveniences. So before opting for back surgery, it is better that you learn as much as possible about this procedure. Knowing more about the pros and cons of the surgery and other relevant matters will help you to take a balanced and well considered decision.
Benefits of the spinal surgery
In addition to the drop in the pain experienced, the following benefits also accompany this surgery.
- Better movement ability is produced
- Better physical fitness is experienced
- Mood of the patient improves considerably
- Intake of pain medicines are avoided
- Patient becomes more productive in his routine work.
Risk factors
People who undergo back surgery are not likely to have any complications. Anyhow just like other operations this surgery is also prone to some risk factors. They are discussed below.
- Reaction to anesthesia or other medications can occur
- Bleeding, infection etc can follow the surgery
- Heart attack, stroke, herniated disc etc are probable side effects of back surgery
- Nerve damage causing paralysis, sexual dysfunction, bowel problems etc can also occur
Back surgery procedures
Foraminotomy: in this procedure, the orthopedic and spine specialist surgeon McLean cuts and removes the bone near the sides of the vertebrae so that the spaces in the exit of the nerves are widened. This relives the pressure on the nerves and reduces the pain. As the spine can become less stable, the surgeon also carries out spinal fusion along with formaniotomy.
Interlaminar implant: in this surgery the surgeon implants U shaped device between two vertebrae in the lower back. This opens the space between t he vertebrae and reduces the pressure on the nerves and consequent pain.
Diskectomy: In this surgery, the surgeon removes a disc completely or partially where the disc had slipped out of place. This process can be done through a large cut in your back or through laparoscopic procedure using small incisions. This surgery is also done along with spinal fusion, laminectomy, formaniotomy etc.
Disc replacement: In this procedure, the surgeon removes the damaged disc and a prosthesis disc made of medical grade plastic or metal is inserted in its place. This helps the patient to continue his activities without any problem. If the new disc slips or falls out of place, it will be required to carry out a repair surgery.