What Are The Causes Of A Crane Tip Over

Cranes are designed to lift and shift extremely heavy weights. Even though these machines get the job done both effectively and efficiently but there is a huge risk factor involved during crane rigging and lifting loads. There have been many incidents in the past where cranes have tipped over simply because some basic protocols were ignored. Let’s discuss the main causes of a crane tip over and along with some safety tips.

Faulty Cranes

One of the major reasons for a crane tip over is a faulty crane. As mentioned earlier, cranes are designed to load and unload heavy weights. This means the components go through extreme wear and tear on an almost daily basis, which can lead to cracks or damage. To keep the cranes in perfect running condition, manufacturers recommend regular inspection and maintenance.

In fact, some states have bodies that govern and overlook the safety and maintenance of the cranes. Some states have laws that require cranes to be thoroughly inspected before operation each time. The inspections are also carried out by government officials to make sure the cranes follow the standards.

Therefore, if maintenance and inspection are ignored, the crane may either drop or simply tip over since it is weak and not able to withstand the load. This could lead to serious damages and consequences, even leading to deaths in some cases.

High Wind

What most contractors do not realize is the fact that high winds have a huge role to play in terms of tipping over a crane. A crane is most vulnerable when its boom is fully extended. In simple words, the more the height, the higher the chances of high wants tipping the crane.

Even though cranes are designed keeping such external factors in mind but vary based on the crane type. Unexpected gusts of winds can easily tip over the cranes. Therefore, if the weather conditions are unpredictable, you should avoid using a crane. Plus, the team should also follow proper procedures related to assembly or disassembly in case the weather turns for the worst.

Ignoring The Weight Of The Load

Ignoring the weight of the load is amongst the most common reasons contributing to cranes tipping over. Every crane is designed to lift a particular type of load under specific circumstances. As a matter of principle, each load should be first weighed before the crane can lift it.

Surprisingly, some workers tend to ignore this factor and overburden the crane while it lifts. This imbalances the crane resulting in tipping over. Crane manufacturers put a lot of time and effort into making sure the crane is able to balance and manage the weight under different circumstances. However, that does not mean a crane can lift an unlimited amount of weight.

If you are unaware of the crane’s maximum lifting capacity, you should consult the user’s manual. And once the load has been tied to the crane, the team on the ground should check the ropes and other safety components to ensure they are in place and intact.

Poor Communication

Loading and unloading is not just a task for the crane to perform, in fact, there is an entire team behind the process that should have strong communication and teamwork skills. Even though the crane operator has a bird’s eye view while sitting in the crane cabin but he/she still needs eyes on the ground. Therefore, it is fundamentally important that teams work together to make sure every crane-related task follows safety and security standards.

Uneven Terrain

Cranes come in a variety of different shapes and sizes based on the tasks and terrains they will need to work on. That said, terrains play a crucial role in either preventing or causing tip-overs. Before a crane can be transported to the location, contractors should inspect the terrain and choose accordingly.

Cranes designed to function on gravel, mud, etc. tend to be different than the ones designed to work on plain dirt and rocky areas. This is why, some cranes come with tires, while others feature tracks. Therefore, if the wrong type of crane is used to perform on a terrain that is not suitable, the chances are the crane will tip over to one side.

Plus, if the terrain happens to be uneven, the contractors will have to level it and make sure it is safe enough for the crane to perform its tasks.

Final Word

Concluding, cranes are intelligent machines but crane for rent DC companies, crane operators, and everyone on the site should follow the industry standards to prevent tipping over and other accidents. Regular inspections, maintenance, and consideration of external factors ensure safe and secure lifting and shifting tasks.